Our bold vision for the future of AI-ready infrastructure
a person thinking

Why Latos

State-of-the-art data infrastructure, peerless operational support and an environmentally conscious approach.

Mike Carlin, Founder, Latos

“We’re committed to providing our clients with the exemplary infrastructure and world-class support needed to bring incredible, data-rich experiences to life for their customers.”

a person working in a data centre a person working in a data centre

Turning ambition into reality

Everyone at Latos shares a clear, positive vision for the data-driven future of our planet. Our mission is driven by a team of natural innovators with a wealth of cross-sector experience and a passion for progressive, sustainable entrepreneurship. Latos’ journey to redefine the digital landscape has already begun—we’d be delighted to have you with us.

a person in the stairwell of an office looking out the window a person in the stairwell of an office looking out the window

Unmatched infrastructure fueled by superior service

We offer more than best-in-class infrastructure; we also supply passionate, specialised personnel to reliably deliver a range of services in support of your business-critical operations.

  • 24/7 support: providing round-the-clock assurance.
  • Proactive monitoring: mitigating issues before they escalate.
  • Rapid response time: mobilising quickly to exceed expectations.
  • Customised service packages: tailoring our support to match your use-case.

Custom-designed solutions

Because every business has its own distinct requirements, we’ll tailor our approach to help you overcome specific challenges and capitalise on unique opportunities.

Five-star performance

Our lightning fast connectivity is powered by state-of-the-art infrastructure and proactively monitored to ensure it delivers encore-worthy performance that never skips a beat.

front desk at the Latos office front desk at the Latos office

Support that scales to match your growth

Our flexible infrastructure is modular by design, making it highly adaptable to your specific usage and requirements. As your business needs evolve over time, it’s easy and seamless to scale our solutions accordingly.

  • Scalable infrastructure
  • Hybrid and multi-cloud options
  • On-demand resource allocation
  • Seamless integration with existing systems
close up of a camera aperture close up of a camera aperture
latos logo

Fortified data security

We continually assess and improve the resilience of our infrastructure against a diverse array of attacks and disruptions. By operating a strict suite of security measures designed to safeguard the integrity of data, we help protect against the loss of sensitive IP, unplanned downtime, and reputational damage.

These stringent protocols include advanced access management, powerful encryption, constant surveillance, and much more—providing the highest level of cybersecurity.

  • Multi-layered encryption
  • Robust firewalls
  • Regular security audits
  • Full compliance with industry standards

Taking sustainability to heart

Everyone at Latos is committed to minimising our environmental impact while operating at the forefront of data centre solutions.

Energy-efficient design
Our facilities are designed to conserve natural resources through efficient use of energy and water, helping to fight climate change.
Renewable energy sources
Wherever possible, our centres draw power from renewable sources to lower their overall environmental impact.
Reduced carbon footprint
We utilise sustainable materials, carefully manage our use of resources, and service our facilities regularly to prevent the need for wasteful replacements.
a lake bordered by a forest a lake bordered by a forest
a solar farm at sunset a solar farm at sunset
a clear lake with mountains in the background a clear lake with mountains in the background